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Showing posts from February, 2008


I decided to post this blog to keep my website up-to-date, rather than bug my webmaster whenever there's something new to add. Along the way, I'll say a few words about books I'm reading - and maybe even the book I'm writing. In the meantime, if you're looking for my latest articles on Huffington Post, where I write frequently, here's a url that should get you to the full list: In the March 2008 issue of Allure , I've got an essay called "Relative Beauty," about having a sister everyone always tells me is pretty. Yes, my sister has seen it, and she's happy enough about it to have bought 15 copies to give to her friends. I also have an essay in the upcoming Tin House that should go on sale in March, on a wonderful novel called The Book of Ebenezer LePage by GB Edwards. It's for Tin House's Lost and Found co...