BOOK PAGE just published a wonderful review of Me, My Hair and I . A taste from the beginning: “Gorgeous hair is the best revenge,” said Ivana Trump, she of the platinum blonde, sky-high hair. Hair as tool of revenge, as obsession, as embarrassment, as source of pride: Why does a long string of protein absorb so much of our attention?" and the end: "Thought-provoking and insightful, Me, My Hair, and I is a must-read for anyone who has ever dealt with frizz, gray hair, mothers insisting we get a haircut, fathers insisting we not, hair envy or hair disasters. In short, all of us." READ MORE Reviewer Amy Scribner mentions essays by contributors Suleika Jaouad , Alex Kuczynski , Hallie Ephron , Jane Green, Jane Smiley, Adriana Trigiani , and Anne Lamott.