BOOK PAGE just published a wonderful review of Me, My Hair and I. A taste from the beginning:
“Gorgeous hair is the best revenge,” said Ivana Trump, she of the platinum blonde, sky-high hair. Hair as tool of revenge, as obsession, as embarrassment, as source of pride: Why does a long string of protein absorb so much of our attention?"
and the end:
“Gorgeous hair is the best revenge,” said Ivana Trump, she of the platinum blonde, sky-high hair. Hair as tool of revenge, as obsession, as embarrassment, as source of pride: Why does a long string of protein absorb so much of our attention?"
and the end:
"Thought-provoking and insightful, Me, My Hair, and I is a must-read for anyone who has ever dealt with frizz, gray hair, mothers insisting we get a haircut, fathers insisting we not, hair envy or hair disasters. In short, all of us." READ MORE
Reviewer Amy Scribner mentions essays by contributors Suleika Jaouad, Alex Kuczynski, Hallie Ephron, Jane Green, Jane Smiley, Adriana Trigiani, and Anne Lamott.